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Overviews of various aspects of the IMAGE framework

application Applications IMAGE has been used for a variety of purposes and studies as shown in the following projects/ studies/ applications. The set is grouped by application/project purpose.
generic Overviews Overviews of various aspects of the IMAGE framework
generic All references table overview All references are listed in table format. Use the column headers to sort the set. Purpose is lookup a reference.
generic All references overview List of all references in citation format
generic IMAGE related publications overview List of IMAGE related publications
model Dataflow overview - all components Graphical dataflow overview of all components.
model Computer models overview Computer models implement the components (conceptual models) of IMAGE framework.
Computer models are classified in: core, associated, related and other used external models/data sources.
  • Core IMAGE models are used for the integrated assessments projects and developed by the IMAGE team or in close collaboration with partners.
  • Associated models use the results of the core models to compute various impacts. These models are developed in consultation with the IMAGE team
  • Related models are not part of the IMAGE framework, but may be used in the framework, depending on the type of project. They are not developed by the IMAGE team.
  • External models/data sources are used for data only.
model Dataflow overview - state components Graphical dataflow overview of state components.
model Dataflow overview - driver components Graphical dataflow overview of drivercomponents.
model Extensive components overview All components of the IMAGE framework per type, i.e. driver components; pressure components; state components; impact components and response components, including key publications and flowcharts.
model Dataflow overview - interaction components Graphical dataflow overview of interaction components.
model Framework overview All components (models, modules) of the IMAGE framework are depicted in this schematic. Roughly they comprise the Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, Response (DPSIR) framework.
model Dataflow overview - impact components Graphical dataflow overview of impact components.
model Dataflow overview The graphical dataflow overviews show how the framework components are related via input/output. A printable version, Big Flowchart of all model components and data flows is available as pdf.
model Variable overview List of all variables per type:
  • Drivers are external model variables that drive the system.
  • Model variables are output of a model component and used as input for another model component or final output.
  • Historical datasets such as 'Nr of wet days'
  • External parameters originate from external models, databases, or other sources. They are mostly used as input for one model component.
model Dataflow overview - pressure components Graphical dataflow overview of pressure components.
model Dataflow overview - response components Graphical dataflow overview of response components.
policy Policy interventions overview Policy interventions are implemented in components and affects the results of other components. The overview displays policy interventions per policy theme, their description, components implementing the intervention and affected components.
policy Key policy issues overview Which policy issues are addressed by which component grouped by policy theme. The policy response components (Climate policy, Air pollution and energy policies, Land and biodiversity policies) summarise policy issues and policy interventions.
policy Policy interventions maintenance overview All policy interventions with their themes, description and related component
policy Key policy issues per component type overview Key policy issues of components grouped by DPSIR type (Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, Policy response). The policy response components (Climate policy, Air pollution and energy policies, Land and biodiversity policies) summarise policy issues and policy interventions.
policy Policy interventions and components overview Policy interventions are implemented in a model component (mostly one). The result of this implementation affects other model components. Each component contains a Policy intervention Table on its 'Policy issues' page describing the effects of policy interventions. Use the link in the 'Affects components' column to navigate to the components Policy issues page, (*) denotes the implementing component.
version TIMER model version overview Overview of all timer versions and their change path
version Fair-SimCap model version overview Overview of all timer versions and their change path
version IMAGE framework version overview Overview of IMAGE framework versions and their changes
version IMAGE land management model version overview Overview of all versions of IMAGE land use model and changes in IMAGE 3 framework