AMPERE (2014)

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Application type: 4. Model comparison
Role of IMAGE framework: IMAGE was one of the IAMs in this model comparison project
Summary: The project AMPERE explored mitigation pathways and associated mitigation costs under technology and policy limitations and evaluated model differences and the relationship between model results and historical trends. The AMPERE project was a collaborative effort among 22 institutions in Europe, Asia and North America using 17 energy economy and integrated assessment models with diverse strengths and structures. The project focused on four central areas:

(i) The role of uncertainty about the climate response to anthropogenic forcing on the remaining carbon budget (ii) the role of technology availability, innovation and the timing of mitigation in the energy sector (iii) the role of internationally fragmented climate policies and potential first mover coalitions (iv) decarbonisation scenarios for Europe, accounting for the impact of global climate policy dynamics

AMPERE was coordinated by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (Project chair: Ottmar Edenhofer; Project Director: Elmar Kriegler). The steering committee of the project included Detlef van Vuuren (Universiteit Utrecht), Keywan Riahi (IIASA), Pantelis Capros (ICCS) and Valentina Bosetti (FEEM). Ampere was funded through the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under grant agreement n° 265139.

AMPERE started in February 2011 and concluded with a final public conference in January 2014.

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