Eururalis (2007) project

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Application type: 3. Provide EU policy support
Role of IMAGE framework: Assessment of alternatives to the current EU Common Agricultural Policies (CAP) to support discussions on reforms by and between Member States. IMAGE was used to assess future prospects for agriculture and the rural areas in the EU-25.
Summary: What will happen to Europe in the forthcoming time? How will it impact on European agriculture and rural areas? What kind of threats and opportunities for socio-cultural, economic and ecological values can we expect? How do global issues (climate change, competing claims, world food prices, food security, sustainability) shape agriculture inside the EU and other regions in the world? What are adequate international policies and what is their effectiveness? The Eururalis consortium has developed a discussion-oriented tool that addresses these challenges for Europe in detail, and with the focus on the global dimension becoming more important.
Partner(s): LEI, IVM, Alterra
Key publication(s): Eickhout et al., 2007
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