Changes in crop and livestock production systems
Description: | General changes in crop and livestock production systems, e.g. more efficient production methods to create higher production per unit of input, or other systems like organic farming |
Is implemented in: | Agricultural economy |
Associated policy response component
Component: Land and biodiversity policies
Page: Land and biodiversity policies/Agricultural production system
Effects of this policy intervention on components
Component: Agricultural economy
Effect : Effect of this bunch of interventions is a change in the relation between the use of external inputs (capital), land and labour. For livestock systems the intervention can result in the use of more feed instead of grazing. For cropping systems it could, for example, express the use of more fertilizer to increase yields (closing the yield gap).
Component: Nutrients
Effect : intervention may be increased fertilizer use, or fertilizer use efficiency ...
Component: Water
Effect : Increasing the productivity of crops by converting rainfed to irrigated agriculture will have an effect on the irrigation water demand in the region. Extracting more water for irrigation will have an effect on downstream water availability and can increase water stress in the region.
Component: Aquatic biodiversity
Effect : On one hand the increase of productivity increases nutrient leaching to water bodies, on the other hand a smaller agricultural area is needed, reducing the pressures from agriculture.
Component: Terrestrial biodiversity
Effect : Impacts terrestrial biodiversity in two ways: 1) a smaller agricultural area decrease habitat loss and 2) it increase intensity of the agricultural area and consequently the biodiversity value of those areas.
Component: Ecosystem services
Effect : Increase intensity of the agricultural area, reduces nature on agricultural area thereby negatively influencing the ES dependent of nature (e.g. flood and erosion protection, pest control and pollination). While systems like organic farming contain more nature on agricultural areas and thereby positively influencing ES.