Downloadable items:
- USS: the User Support system (USS) to view IMAGE scenario results (see below).
- Big flowchart: a printable pdf of the big flowchart of IMAGE framework, containing all data flows from-to the model components.
- SSP data used in the Prospective Life Cycle Assessment model
User Support System IMAGE scenarios
The User Support System (USS) is a visualisation tool that enables a comprehensive view on the scenario data of IMAGE runs. See the figures on the right ( click to enlarge). The tool also enables you to obtain the data. You can download this tool which covers a number of projects. The USS manual page offers a user guide on the USS.
IMAGE 3.2 Results
Download viewer USS_IMAGE3.2 direct or via the Download packages page
The first IMAGE 3.2 results are the SSP scenarios of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways - SSP project. The USS_IMAGE3.2 shows data for the SSP scenarios:
- baseline SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP4, and SSP5 scenario
and the following SSP mitigation scenarios:
- SSP1_SPA1_19I_D
- SSP1_SPA1_19I_LI
- SSP1_SPA1_19I_RE
- SSP1_SPA1_26I_D
- SSP1_SPA1_26I_LI
- SSP1_SPA1_26I_RE
- SSP1_SPA1_34I_D
- SSP1_SPA1_34I_LI
- SSP1_SPA1_34I_RE
- SSP2_SPA2_19I_D
- SSP2_SPA2_19I_LI
- SSP2_SPA2_19I_RE
- SSP2_SPA2_26I_D
- SSP2_SPA2_26I_LI
- SSP2_SPA2_26I_RE
- SSP2_SPA2_34I_D
- SSP2_SPA2_34I_LI
- SSP2_SPA2_34I_RE
- SSP2_SPA2_45I_D
- SSP2_SPA2_45I_LI
- SSP2_SPA2_45I_RE
Default (D) scenarios are using standard IMAGE 3.2 settings. In the Lifestyle (LI) scenarios It is assumed that also lifestyle changes are implemented, reflecting lower use of appliances, less heating and cooling, modal split changes in transport to public transport and away from flying, and less meat intensive diets. Renewable (RE) scenarios represent increased electrification of final energy demand, renewable costs are assumed to decline faster, and renewables can be more easily be absorbed into the grid. Lifestyle and Renewables (LIRE) scenarios are a combination of the previous scenarios.
SPA1 and SPA2 indicate fragmented & delayed policy.
IMAGE 3.0 Results
Download viewer USS_IMAGE3.0 direct or via the Download packages page
The first IMAGE 3.0 results are the SSP scenarios of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways - SSP project. The USS_IMAGE3.0 shows data for the SSP2 scenarios:
- the baseline SSP2
and the following SSP2 mitigation scenarios:
- SSP2_SPA0_RCP_1.9
- SSP2_SPA2_RCP_2.6
- SSP2_SPA2_RCP_3.4
- SSP2_SPA2_RCP_4.5
- SSP2_SPA2_RCP_6.0
SPA2 indicates fragmented & delayed policy, SPA0 indicates global uniform policy without delay.
Spatial data for these scenarios are available in netcdf format from KNMI data center
Additional scenario data for SSP1, SSP3, SSP4 and SSP5 are available on request. Please contact the IMAGE team at
Available projects
You can download the viewer packages from this page: Download packages
There are currently three packages available:
- USS_IMAGE3.0: viewer for SSP2 scenarios:
- see project info on Shared Socioeconomic Pathways - SSP project
- USS_IMAGE2.4-2.5: viewer for scenario results of projects:
- see project info: OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 (2012);
- see project info: Roads from Rio+20 (2012)and
- see project info: EU Resource efficiency (2011).
- USS_IMAGE2.2: viewer for scenario results of projects:
- see project info: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - MA (2005) and
- see project info: IPCC SRES (2000);
Obtain data through USS viewer
How to download regional data - graph
Hover your cursor over the border area of a box/container or graph. Right mouse click and select the option:
- Save selection as Excel...: A data set will be created containing the data related to the lines in the graph (your item selection of the dimensions of the active data set). You can save the (xml) file onto your system.
- Save container as Excel...: A data set will be created containing all data of the selected graph or of all the graphs in the selected box/container with the exception of the map data (see below).
Open the xml file with Excel.
How to download spatial data - map
IMAGE 3.0 data: Spatial data of SSP scenarios are available via the KNMI Data Center: KDC
Previous IMAGE versions: Hover your cursor over the border area of the map. Right mouse click and select the option:
- Save...: You can save map data onto your system. All available years will be included in the data set. However, this data set only contains values for the IMAGE land cells. In order to use the data in GIS software, you will need to convert the data set in ascii-grid format.
The zip-file contains a utility folder that includes the m2gis program. Double click on the m2gis.exe and a form will guide you through the conversion. <
IMAGE input data for the Prospective Life Cycle Assessment model
This dataset[1] can be used with the Prospective Life Cycle Assessment model described in Mendoza Beltran et al., 2018. The model code has been made available. Please refer to the supporting information to download the python scripts of the model.
- ↑ The SSP scenarios are described in Van Vuuren et al., 2017b. Some values in the dataset may differ slightly compared to those applied in Mendoza Beltran et al., 2018. The dataset used in the article was derived from a previous version. We recommend using the version provided in the download above.