Irrigation (Water)

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Interpretation of theme: To supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow or grow stronger.
Is item of theme: Water

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Irrigation (Water) associations

Policy themes are used to classify Key policy issues and policy interventions. The tables below contain the issues and interventions associated with theme item Irrigation (Water).

Associated Key policy issues and their components

Carbon, vegetation, agriculture and water What is the combined effect of climate change and socio-economic development on water demand and availability, and associated agricultural production?
Water What is the combined effect of climate change and socio-economic development on water demand and availability, and on associated agricultural production?
Water What is the potential of adaptation measures to reduce water stress and water-related crop production losses?

Associated policy interventions, their components and the affected components

Policy interventionDescriptionImplemented inAffects component
Improved irrigation efficiency Improved irrigation efficiency assumes an increase in the irrigation project efficiency and irrigation conveyance efficiency.
Increased storage capacity Increasing storage capacity assumes that the total water volume stored in large reservoirs will increase. This can either be established by an increase of the capacity of existing reservoirs, or by building new reservoirs.