Land cover types

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  • Agricultural land: Cropped land, fallow land and grassland (excluding extensive grassland)
  • Extensive grassland: Land covered by grass with potential productivity of less than 25% of world maximum for grassland
  • Biofuel Land: cropped for biofuels

Managed forest land and regrowing vegetation

  • Carbon plantation: Lands planted with wood species used for biofuel production or C sequestration
  • Regrowing vegetation (abandoning): Abandoned agricultural land that reverts back to its natural vegetation
  • Regrowing vegetation (timber): Vegetation harvested for timber or fuelwood production that reverts back to its natural vegetation type
  • Wood plantations: Planted forests where management is optimized for efficient wood production with shorter rotation cycles.

Natural land cover (biome)

  • Ice
  • Tundra
  • Wooded tundra
  • Boreal forest
  • Cool coniferous forest
  • Temperate mixed forest
  • Temperate deciduous forest
  • Warm mixed forest
  • Grassland and steppe
  • Hot desert
  • Scrubland
  • Savanna
  • Tropical woodland
  • Tropical forest

For the classification of biomes seePlant functional types and natural land cover types.

Areas not shown on land cover maps or graphs

  • Built-up areas; Urban and built-up areas (fractions of grid-cells covered by built-up areas are excluded from being used for agricultural practices).
  • Bioreserves: Protected nature reserves, national parks and monuments occurring within the above natural vegetation types; these areas are excluded for being used as managed forest or agriculture.