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Work with auto completion

Single entry: You can use any substring of the desired object. This will bring up all possibilities.

Multiple entries: Entries are separated by a semicolon (;). Put a space after the semicolon to activate the auto completion mechanism for the next entry.

Create headers

On a regular base add an appropriate header.

Style element Syntax
Headers == header 2 ==
=== header 3 ===
==== header 4 ====

Make sure you always use the headers in this order, e.g. header 2, followed by header 3 and 4 if necessary. If the first line in a description field is a header, this method '==header 2 ==' will not work. Use this instead: ' <h2> header </h2>'.

Create lists

Style element Syntax Shows as
Bulleted list * bullet 1
* bullet 2
** nested bullet
  • bullet 1
  • bullet 2
    • nested bullet
Ordered list # first item
#second item
## nested item
##* nested bullet
  1. first item
  2. second item
    1. nested item 1
      • nested bullet

Close an item with a ; when short, and with a . when a full sentence. In the latter case start with a capital.

Create footnotes

Surround the text you want to put in a footnote with <ref> ''footnote text'' </ref> tags and add a <references/> tag at the end of the page . The footnote text between the ref tags will be displayed there.

Create a research organisation

For each page: Link only the first occurrence of a research organisation in your text to its description.

If a research organisation is mentioned in your tekst, such as FAO, UNEP or OECD, place two square brackets around the organisation [[<organisation>]] . If the description of the organisation already exists, the link that will appear on the page after saving, will take you to it. Otherwise please use the Forms=>Add research organisation to add the description yourself.

Create a model or database

For each page: Link only the first occurrence of a computer model or database in your text to its description.

If your text refers to a computer model or database, such as FAIR, GISMO or FAOSTAT, there are two steps that need to be taken:

    1. Write 'model' respectively 'database' after the name and place two square brackets around it: [[<name of model> model]] , e.g. [[FAIR model]] or [[<name of database> database]], e.g. [[FAOSTAT database]] . This will create a link to a page with the right naming convention. If you want your link to appear with a different name in your text, see the '#Edit the name of an internal link' section. If the model/database exists, the link that will appear on the page after saving, will take you to the description. Otherwise please use the Forms=>Add Computer model to add the description yourself.
    2. In case of a computer model or database, it may be added to the field 'External models' of the infobox. You can do this by going to the Introduction form via the edit-tab in the Introduction page, and fill in the appropriate field, or make a 'reminder' somewhere, so you know which models are involved when you fill in this field in the last step of the Step-by-Step guide.

Create an acronym

For each page: Link only the first occurrence of an acronym in your text, e.g CCS, to its description.

When the acronym is neither a research organisation or a computer model, put two brackets around the acronym and place 'AbbrTemplate|' before it: {{AbbrTemplate|<acronym>}}, e.g. {{AbbrTemplate|CSS}}. If the acronym already exists, the abbrevation link that will appear on the page after saving, will display the description. If not, add the acronym with the form (Forms=>add acronym).

Create tables

Avoid tables! They are cumbersome and most likely too detailed. Do not use them to layout your text, it is against the accessability guidelines and most of the the time there is an alternative solution for the problem. In case of a data table which is necessary for the text, consider a picture of this data table.

For detailed info see:

Create/Edit references

There are two ways of displaying all the references in the wiki.

  • In Maintenace overviews => 'All references' you can find all references in a table form.
  • Browse => 'Browse data' has a list of references with filter options.

You can navigate to a reference by clicking on the reference and then edit it by clicking on the edit-tab in the wiki-bar.

If you want to add a new reference, use Forms =>'Add references'. In this entry to the reference-form you need to provide a name. This name has the following convention:

  • One author: <author name>, <space><year>
  • Two authors: <author name> and <author name>, <space><year>
  • More authors: <first author name> et al., <space><year>

To add the reference in your text, see the #Link to references.

Add additional/background information

We differentiate between background information pages and additional information pages. The background information is more general and is interesting in its own right, whereas additional information is more component specific, and will appear as a subpage of your component page.

  1. To make a background information page:
    1. Enter an appropriate page name, for instance: Apple_Types, behind 'IMAGEwiki' in the url-bar, e.g. This will create a page if it does not exist or will bring you to it if it already exists.
    2. Click 'Create' on the wiki-bar, you can edit the page by typing your text.
    3. Type: [Category:BackgroundInfo] at the end of your text to make it part of the Background information category.
    4. Save the page before closing.
  2. Addtional pages will be shown in the 'Parts of ...' box on top and bottom of all pages that you include in the 'belongs to' field
    1. Go to Forms=>Add Additional page
    2. Enter a name following the convention: <Your component name>/<meaningfull name new page>
    3. Fill in the form.
      • Components that you include in the 'belongs to' field will show the page in the 'Parts of ..' box
    4. Make an inline link to the page as well.

Make an inline link to the page on the place where the additional/background information is needed.

Add formulas [not for abridged Step by step]

The formulas have already been uploaded. Each formula is named as follows: Formula<number>_<Component code>. In this name the <number> is the same as the number of the formula used in the chapter. You can look up the component code in the component code overview: Maintenance=> Component code overview.

Remove the number of your formula in the text and insert the following: {{FormulaAndTableTemplate|<Formula name>}}

Add a figure

All flowcharts, baseline figures, policy intervention figures have been uploaded and are already annotated and are shown on the appropriate page. For additional figures do the following:

  • On the menu bar click Forms=>Add figure. This will open an entry to the figure form. Give the figure page a meaningful name <Figure Label>_<Component code>, which will bring you to the form. Fill in the fields and upload the figure.
  • Make a note in 'Discussion' so we know there was a figure missing

To show the figure on a page, see the ' #Link to figures.'

Link to figures

Each figure is named as follows: <Figure Label>_<Component code>. You can look up the figure name by going to Browse => Browse data => Figure from the Category menu.

  • You can add the figure on your page by inserting: {{DisplayFigureTemplate|<Figure Name>}}, directly after the header of your section. For example; {{DisplayFigureTemplate|Apple_ComponentCode}}. This will place the figure underneath the infobox in the same width.
  • To display the figure within you text in the optimal size, insert : {{DisplayFigureLeftOptimalTemplate|<Figure Name>}}, or {{DisplayFigureRightOptimalTemplate|<Figure Name>}}, for left/right side respectively.

To show the optimal size figure without border and caption, add '|plain' after the figure name, e.g. {{DisplayFigureRightOptimalTemplate|<Figure Name>|plain}}

In text reference to figures

Replace the figure code, such as 'Figure' to a descriptive name, for example:

  • see the flowchart on the right
  • see the figure on the left

When dealing with combined figures, indicate its position by number.

  • see the figure on the left II

Link to references

Put the reference, for example (Stehfest et al., 2012) in between two square brackets, like: ( [[ Stehfest et al., 2012 ]] ) . If the reference has a letter behind the year, make sure you have the right reference (the wiki- letters are not necessarily the same as in EndNote). If a red link appears in the text after saving, go to Browse => 'Browse data' and search for the right reference. Use this new citation name (the title in bold above the reference) to put in the brackets.

Link to chapters

Search for the corresponding component-page by going to Main overviews => Framework. Use the found page-name instead of the chapter-name and put in two square brackets, like: [[ Energy conversion ]] .

Link to a header on another page

To link to a specific header on a page, add '#' behind the full pagename and type the header name after it. For example: [[Energy conversion/Description#Total demand for new capacity]] brings you to the 'Total_demand_for_new_capacity'-header on the description page of the component Energy conversion: Energy conversion/Description#Total_demand_for_new_capacity.

To change the name of the link, see the section #Edit the name of an internal link.

Edit an input-parameter

Click on the parameter name in the left column of the table. Go to Edit-tab on the wiki-bar of the parameter page. Fill in/check all fields of this form except 'Dimension' and 'Label'.

Edit an output-variable

Click on the variable name in the left column of the table. Go to Edit-tab on the wiki-bar of the variable page. Fill in/check all fields of this form except 'Dimension' and 'Label'. Heck the impact indicator field, if the variable has social impact.

Edit the name of an internal link

To change the appearance of an internal link, put a | after the pagename and type how you want the page to appear.

Syntax Shows as
[[Welcome]] Welcome
[[Welcome| Home page IMAGE wiki]] Home page IMAGE wiki

Create an external link

In the following table the standard link syntax is summarized.

Syntax Shows as
[ Home page PBL] Home page PBL

For detailed info see: