Air pollution and energy policies/References
Key publications
Kruyt et al., 2009
B. Kruyt, D. P. van Vuuren, H. J. M. de Vries, H. Groenenberg (2009).
Indicators for energy security. Energy Policy, 37(6), pp. 2166-2181, doi:
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Van Ruijven et al., 2012
B. J. van Ruijven, J. Schers, D. P. van Vuuren (2012).
Model-based scenarios for rural electrification in developing countries. Energy, 38(1), pp. 386-397, doi:
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All cited references
AGECC, 2010
AGECC (2010).
Energy for a sustainable future. Summary report and recommendations, The secretary-general's Advisory group on Energy and climate Change, New York.
EC, 2010
EC (2010).
Energy 2020: A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy, Communication from the commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions, European Commission, Brussels.
Jewell et al., 2016
Jessica Jewell, Vadim Vinichenko, David McCollum, Nico Bauer, Keywan Riahi, Tino Aboumahboub, Oliver Fricko, Mathijs Harmsen, Tom Kober, Volker Krey, Giacomo Marangoni, Massimo Tavoni, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Bob van der Zwaan & Aleh Cherp (2016).
Comparison and interactions between the long-term pursuit of energy independence and climate policies. Nature Energy, 1, doi:
Kruyt et al., 2009
B. Kruyt, D. P. van Vuuren, H. J. M. de Vries, H. Groenenberg (2009).
Indicators for energy security. Energy Policy, 37(6), pp. 2166-2181, doi:
Link to PBL-website:
PBL, 2012
PBL (2012).
Roads from Rio+20: Pathways to achieve global sustainability goals by 2050, D.P. Van VuurenM.T.J. Kok (eds.), PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague. Link to PBL-website:
Van Ruijven et al., 2008
B. van Ruijven, L. Hari, D. P. van Vuuren, B. de Vries (2008).
The potential role of hydrogen energy in India and Western Europe. Energy Policy, 36(5), pp. 1649-1665, doi:
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