Climate policy/References
Key publications
Den Elzen et al., 2016
M. den Elzen, A. Admiraal, M. Roelfsema, H. van Soest, A. F. Hof, N. Forsell (2016).
Contribution of the G20 economies to the global impact of the Paris agreement climate proposals. Climatic Change, 137(3-4), pp. 655-665, doi:
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Hof et al., 2017
A.F. Hof, M.G.J. den Elzen, A. Admiraal, M. Roelfsema, D.E.H.J. Gernaat, D.P. van Vuuren (2017).
Global and regional abatement costs of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and of enhanced action to levels well below 2 °C and 1.5 °C. Environmental Science and Policy, 71, pp. 30-40, doi:
Van den Berg et al., 2020
Van den Berg et al. (2020).
Implications of various effort-sharing approaches for national carbon budgets and emission pathways. Climatic Change, 162, pp. 1805-1822, doi:
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All cited references
Admiraal et al., 2016
A. K. Admiraal, A. F. Hof, M. G. J. den Elzen, D. P. van Vuuren (2016).
Costs and benefits of differences in the timing of greenhouse gas emission reductions. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 21(8), pp. 1165-1179, doi:
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De Bruin et al., 2009
K. C. de Bruin, R. B. Dellink, R. S. J. Tol (2009).
AD-DICE: An implementation of adaptation in the DICE model. Climatic Change, 95(1-2), pp. 63-81, doi:
Den Elzen and Höhne, 2010
M.G.J den Elzen, N. Höhne (2010).
Sharing the reduction effort to limit global warming to 2°C. Climate Policy, 10, pp. 247-260.
Den Elzen and van Vuuren, 2007
M.G.J. den Elzen, D.P. van Vuuren (2007).
Peaking profiles for achieving long-term temperature targets with more likelihood at lower costs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 104(46), pp. 17931-17936, doi:
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Den Elzen et al., 2007
M. den Elzen, M. Meinshausen, D. van Vuuren (2007).
Multi-gas emission envelopes to meet greenhouse gas concentration targets: Costs versus certainty of limiting temperature increase. Global Environmental Change, 17(2), pp. 260-280, doi:
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Den Elzen et al., 2011b
M. G. J. den Elzen, A. F. Hof, M. Roelfsema (2011).
. Global Environmental Change, 21(2), pp. 733-743, doi:
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Den Elzen et al., 2012a
M.G.J. den Elzen, A. Hof, A. Mendoza Beltrán, B. Van Ruijven, J. Van Vliet (2012).
Implications of long-term global and developed country reduction targets for developing countries. Mitigation and Adaptation of Strategies for Global Change, 18(4), pp. 491-512.
Den Elzen et al., 2012b
M. G. J. den Elzen, M. Meinshausen, A. F. Hof (2012).
. Climatic Change, 114(2), pp. 401-408, doi:
Den Elzen et al., 2012c
M.G.J. den Elzen, M. Roelfsema, A.F. Hof, H. Böttcher, G. Grassi (2012).
Analysing the emission gap between pledged emission reductions under the Cancún Agreements and the 2°C climate target, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Bilthoven, the Netherlands. Link to PBL-website:
Den Elzen et al., 2013
M. G. J. Den Elzen, A. F. Hof, M. Roelfsema (2013).
Analysing the greenhouse gas emission reductions of the mitigation action plans by non-Annex I countries by 2020. Energy Policy, 56(56), pp. 633-643, doi:
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Den Elzen et al., 2015a
den Elzen, M.G.J., Fekete, H., Admiraal, A., Forsell, N., Höhne, N., Korosuo, A., Roelfsema, M., van Soest, H., Wouters, K., Day, T., Hagemann, M., Hof, A.F (2015).
Enhanced policy scenarios for major emitting countries. Analysis of current and planned climate policies, and selected enhanced mitigation measure. Link to PBL-website:
Den Elzen et al., 2016
M. den Elzen, A. Admiraal, M. Roelfsema, H. van Soest, A. F. Hof, N. Forsell (2016).
Contribution of the G20 economies to the global impact of the Paris agreement climate proposals. Climatic Change, 137(3-4), pp. 655-665, doi:
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European Commission, 2010
European Commission (2010).
Analysis of options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas emission reductions and assessing the risk of carbon leakage.Brussels.Access date: 2010.URL:
Harmsen et al., 2016
M. J. H. M. Harmsen, M. van den Berg, V. Krey, G. Luderer, A. Marcucci, J. Strefler, D. P. V. Vuuren (2016).
How climate metrics affect global mitigation strategies and costs: a multi-model study. Climatic Change, 136(2), pp. 203-216, doi:
Hof et al., 2008
A. F. Hof, M. G. J. den Elzen, D. P. van Vuuren (2008).
Analysing the costs and benefits of climate policy: Value judgements and scientific uncertainties. Global Environmental Change, 18(3), pp. 412-424, doi:
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Hof et al., 2010
A. F. Hof, M. G. J. den Elzen, D. P. van Vuuren (2010).
Including adaptation costs and climate change damages in evaluating post-2012 burden-sharing regimes. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 15(1), pp. 19-40, doi:
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Hof et al., 2011
A. F. Hof, M. G. J. den Elzen, A. Mendoza Beltran (2011).
Predictability, equitability and adequacy of post-2012 international climate financing proposals. Environmental Science and Policy, 14(6), pp. 615-627, doi:
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Hof et al., 2012
A.F. Hof, C. Brink, A. Mendoza Beltrán, M.G.J. den Elzen (2012).
Greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for 2030: Conditions for a EU target of 40%, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Bilthoven, the Netherlands(URL:
Hof et al., 2013
A. F. Hof, M. G. J. den Elzen, M. Roelfsema (2013).
The effect of updated pledges and business-as-usual projections, and new agreed rules on expected global greenhouse gas emissions in 2020. Environmental Science and Policy, 33, pp. 308-319, doi:
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Hof et al., 2016
A. F. Hof, M. G. J. den Elzen, A. Mendoza Beltran (2016).
The EU 40% greenhouse gas emission reduction target by 2030 in perspective. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 16(3), pp. 375-392, doi:
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Höhne et al., 2012
N. Höhne, N. Braun, H. Fekete, R. Brandsma, J. Larkin, M.G.J. den Elzen, M. Roelfsema, A.F. Hof, H. Böttcher (2012).
Greenhouse gas emission reduction proposals and national climate policies of major economies, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
Kuramochi et al., 2016
Kuramochi, T., Höhne, N., Sterl, S., Gonzales-Zuñiga, S., Hans, F., Hagemann, M., Hernandez Legaria, E., den Elzen, M.G.J., Roelfsema, M., van Soest, H., Forsell, N., Turkovska, O. (2016).
Greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries: Analysis of current and planned climate policies, and mitigation pledges. Link to PBL-website:
Meinshausen et al., 2011b
M. Meinshausen, T. M. L. Wigley, S. C. B. Raper (2011).
Emulating atmosphere-ocean and carbon cycle models with a simpler model, MAGICC6 - Part 2: Applications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(4), pp. 1457-1471.
Mendoza Beltrán et al., 2011
A. Mendoza Beltrán, M. G. J. den Elzen, A. F. Hof, D. P. van Vuuren, J. van Vliet (2011).
Exploring the bargaining space within international climate negotiations based on political, economic and environmental considerations. Energy Policy, 39(11), pp. 7361-7371, doi:
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Roelfsema et al., 2013
M. Roelfsema, M.G.J. den Elzen, A.F. Hof, N. Höhne, N. Braun, H. Fekete, R. Brandsma, J. Larkin, H. Böttcher (2013).
Methodology for analysing greenhouse gas emission reduction proposals and national climate policies of major economies, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Bilthoven, the Netherlands. Link to PBL-website:
Roelfsema et al., 2014
M. Roelfsema, M. D. Elzen, N. Höhne, A. F. Hof, N. Braun, H. Fekete, H. Böttcher, R. Brandsma, J. Larkin (2014).
Are major economies on track to achieve their pledges for 2020? An assessment of domestic climate and energy policies. Energy Policy, 67, pp. 781-796, doi:
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Rogelj et al., 2016
Rogelj, J., den Elzen, M., Höhne, N., Fransen, T., Fekete, H., Winkler, H., Schaeffer, R., Sha, F., Riahi, K., Meinshausen, M. (2016).
Paris Agreement climate proposals need a boost to keep warming well below 2 °C. Nature, 534, pp. 631-639, doi:
UNEP (2016)
UNEP, PBL contribution M.G.J. den Elzen, J.G.J Olivier, M.R. Roelfsema (2016).
The Emissions Gap Report 2016. United Nations Environment, UNEP, UNEP, Nairobi. Link to PBL-website:
UNEP, 2012
UNEP (2012).
The Emissions Gap Report 2012. A UNEP Synthesis Report, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
UNFCCC (2015)
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).Access date: Accessed: 29 October, 2015.URL:
UNFCCC (2015b)
Paris Agreement. Decision 1/CP.17.UNFCCC document FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1.Access date: December 2015.URL:
Van Vliet et al., 2012
J. van Vliet, M. van den Berg, M. Schaeffer, D. P. van Vuuren, M. den Elzen, A. F. Hof, A. M. Beltran, M. Meinshausen (2012).
. Climatic Change, 113(2), pp. 551-561, doi:
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Van Vuuren et al., 2011a
D. P. van Vuuren, E. Stehfest, M. G. J. den Elzen, T. Kram, J. van Vliet, S. Deetman, M. Isaac, K. K. Goldewijk, A. Hof, A. M. Beltran, R. Oostenrijk, B. van Ruijven (2011).
. Climatic Change, 109(1), pp. 95-116, doi:
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Van Vuuren et al., 2012
D. P. Van Vuuren, K. Riahi, R. Moss, J. Edmonds, A. Thomson, N. Nakicenovic, T. Kram, F. Berkhout, R. Swart, A. Janetos, S. K. Rose, N. Arnell (2012).
A proposal for a new scenario framework to support research and assessment in different climate research communities. Global Environmental Change, 22(1), pp. 21-35, doi:
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Van den Berg et al., 2015
Maarten van den Berg, Andries Hof, Jasper van Vliet, Detlef van Vuuren (2015).
Impact of the choice of emission metric on greenhouse gas abatement and costs. Environmental Research Letters, 10(2).
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