Land and biodiversity policies/References

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FAO, 2013a
FAO (2013). FAOSTAT database collections.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.Rome.Access date: 2013-04-22.URL:

Godfray et al., 2010
H. C. J. Godfray, J. R. Beddington, I. R. Crute, L. Haddad, D. Lawrence, J. F. Muir, J. Pretty, S. Robinson, S. M. Thomas, C. Toulmin (2010). Food security: The challenge of feeding 9 billion people. Science, 327(5967), pp. 812-818.

Hertel, 2011
T.W. Hertel (2011). The global supply and demand for agricultural land in 2050: A perfect storm in the making?. American Journal of Applied Economics, 93, pp. 259-275.

IEA, 2012
IEA (2012). Global Wood Pellet Industry Market and Trade Study, International Energy Agency (IEA)IEA Task 40, Paris(URL:

Lambin et al., 2001
Eric F Lambin, Bi L Turner, Helmut J Geist, Samuel B Agbola, Arild Angelsen, John W Bruce, Oliver T Coomes, Rodolfo Dirzo, Günther Fischer, Carl Folke (2001). The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths. Global Environmental Change, 11(4), pp. 261-269.

Leverington et al., 2010
F. Leverington, K. Lemos Costa, J. Courrau, H. Pavese, C. Nolte, M. Marr, L. Coad, N. Burgess, Bomhard B., M. Hockings (2010). Management effectiveness evaluation in protected areas - a global study, The University of Queensland, The Nature Conservancy/WWF/University of Queensland/IUCN/WCPA/Biodiversity Indicators Partnership, Brisbane, Australia.

Oorschot et al., 2010
M. Oorschot, J. Ros, J. Notenboom (2010). Evaluation of the indirect effects of biofuel production on biodiversity: assessment across spatial and temporal scales, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Bilthoven, the Netherlands. Link to PBL-website:

Overmars et al., 2012
K.P. Overmars, E. Stehfest, A. Tabeau, H. Meijl, van, A. Mendoza Beltrán, T. Kram (2012). Estimating the costs of reducing CO2 emission via avoided deforestation with integrated assessment modeling.15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis: "New Challenges for Global Trade and Sustainable Development".Geneva.Access date: 27-29 June 2012.

Putz et al., 2012
F. E. Putz, P. A. Zuidema, T. Synnott, M. Peña-Claros, M. A. Pinard, D. Sheil, J. K. Vanclay, P. Sist, S. Gourlet-Fleury, B. Griscom, J. Palmer, R. Zagt (2012). Sustaining conservation values in selectively logged tropical forests: the attained and the attainable. Conservation Letters, 5(4), pp. 296-303.

Stehfest et al., 2009
E. Stehfest, L. Bouwman, D. P. Van Vuuren, M. G. J. Den Elzen, B. Eickhout, P. Kabat (2009). Climate benefits of changing diet. Climatic Change, 95(1-2), pp. 83-102, doi:
Link to PBL-website:

Stehfest et al., 2013
E. Stehfest, M. Berg, G. Woltjer, S. Msangi, H. Westhoek (2013). Options to reduce the environmental effects of livestock production - Comparison of two economic models. Agricultural Systems, 114, pp. 38-53, doi:
Link to PBL-website:

UNEP-WCMC (2008). Carbon and biodiversity: a demonstration atlas, UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, United Kingdom.