Variable consistency overview

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There are constraints on the different types of variables. This overview checks the use of the variables and the constraints.


  • Drivers are external model variables that are used for the core models. Constraint: may not occur in the range of hasOutputVar property
  • Parameters are variables that are rather static. They originate from external models, databases, or other sources. Mostly they are used as input for one model component.Constraint: may not occur in the range of hasOutputVar property
  • Model variables are variables that are calculated by a model or impact component and are used as input for another model component. Constraint: must occur in the range of hasOutputVar property
  • Model variables, end-indicator are variables that are calculated by a model or impact component and are final output. Constraint: must occur in the range of hasOutputVar property
  • Historical variables are variables that are historical, such as 'Wet days'

Not used check

Not used Drivers

If no results here, then it is ok
Irrigation conveyance efficiency, Irrigation project efficiency

Not used parameters

If no results here, then it is ok
CLUmondo specific input - grid, Infrastructure, Initial land cover, land use - grid, Initial temperature, precipitation - grid, Other crops, Regression parameters

Not used Historical model variables

If no results here, then it is ok

Model variables not used as input: i.e. end-indicators

This is wrong, the list can be checked, they should be end-indicators
Land suitability - grid, Land systems - grid

Model variables (end-indicators) used as input: i.e. further use of variable

This is wrong, the list can be checked, they should be model (from/to model)

Parameters coupled as Input variable ( instead of parameter) of component

Consistency check

Model variables (from/to model) that are not an output of IMAGE component

If no results here, then it is ok
Irrigation water supply - grid, Land suitability - grid, Land systems - grid

Model variables (end-indicators) that are not an output of IMAGE component

If no results here, then it is ok
Water stress - grid

Drivers that are an output of IMAGE component

If no results here, then it is ok

Parameters that are an output of IMAGE component

If no results here, then it is ok

Historical model variables that are an output of IMAGE component

This may occur, check result
Cloudiness - grid, Number of wet days - grid

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