Access to drinking water and sanitation |
Percentage of the population with sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. |
Actual crop and grass production - grid |
Actual crop and grass production on agricultural land, based on potential yield and management intensity |
Adaptation costs |
Costs for adaptation measures to reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems to actual or expected climate change effects. |
Agricultural area - grid |
Total area for crop production (annual and perennial) and intensive grassland. |
Algal blooms in lakes |
Harmful algal blooms in lakes caused by cyanobacteria, producing toxins harmful to humans and animals. |
Animal stocks |
Number of animals per category: non-dairy cattle; dairy cattle; pigs; sheep and goats; poultry. |
Aquatic MSA - grid |
Relative Mean Species Abundance of original species in lakes, rivers and wetlands. |
BC, OC and NOx emissions |
Emissions of BC, OC and NOx per year. |
Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) – grid |
The average abundance across a set of species in each area relative to their reference population, which would be populations before any humans impacts but are usually populations in the least impacted settings available |
Bioenergy area |
Area of bioenergy crop production, in model setting where sustainability criteria require that the area for bioenergy crops is not included in the agricultural production area (to avoid competition between bioenergy and food). |
Bioenergy production |
Total bioenergy production. |
CO and NMVOC emissions |
Emissions from CO and NMVOC. |
CO2 concentration |
Atmospheric CO2 concentration. |
CO2 emission from energy and industry |
CO2 emission from energy and industry. |
CO2 stored |
The amount of CO2 stored in underground reservoirs by applying CO2 capture technology.. |
Carbon pools in soil and timber - grid |
Carbon biomass in three soil pools (litter, humus and charcoal) and two timber pools (slow decaying, and fast decaying). |
Carbon pools in vegetation - grid |
Carbon pools in leaves, stems, branches and roots). |
Carbon price |
Carbon price on the international trading market (in USD in 2005 per tonne C-eq) calculated from aggregated regional permit demand and supply curves derived from marginal abatement costs. |
Carbon sequestration - grid |
Net carbon uptake by terrestrial ecosystems and oceans. |
Carbon storage price |
The costs of capturing and storing CO2, affecting the use of CCS technology. |
Change in soil properties - grid |
Change in soil properties, such as clay/sand content, organic carbon content, soil depth (topsoil/subsoil). |
Child mortality |
he probability per 1,000 that a new-born baby will die before reaching the age five, if subject to average age-specific mortality rates. |
Child underweight |
Prevalence of undernourishment in children. |
Commodity price |
Commodity price per sector, including various crop and livestock sectors.. |
Consumption loss |
Loss of private consumption due to mitigation and adaptation costs and residual damage. |
Crop fraction in agricultural area - grid |
Fraction of agricultural land by crop type, per grid cell. |
Crop irrigation water demand - grid |
Water requirements for crop irrigation, calculated as daily moisture deficit during the growing season. |
Crop production |
Regional production per crop. |
DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) |
The disability-adjusted life year (DALY) is a measure of overall disease burden, expressed as the number of years lost due to ill-health, disability and early death. |
Degraded forest area |
Permanently deforested areas for reasons other than expansion of agricultural land (calibrated to FAO deforestation statistics). |
Demand (all commodities) |
Demand per sector including various crop and livestock sectors. |
Demand for electricity, heat and hydrogen |
The demand for production of electricity, heat and hydrogen. |
Demand for fossil fuels and bioenergy |
The demand for the production of fossil fuels and bioenergy. |
Demand for primary energy |
Total demand for energy production. Sum of final energy demand and energy inputs into energy conversion processes. |
Demand traditional biomass |
Regional demand for traditional bioenergy. |
Electricity price |
The price of electricity. |
Emission abatement |
Reduction in emission factors as a function of Climate policy. |
Emission trading |
Emission credits traded between regions |
Energy and industry activity level |
Activity levels in the energy and industrial sector, per process and energy carrier, for example, the combustion of petrol for transport or the production of crude oil. |
Energy demand and production |
Aggregated energy demand and production indicators from the energy model. |
Energy security indicators |
Indicators on the status of energy security, such as energy self-sufficiency. |
Environmental flow requirements - grid |
Percentage of natural flow reserved for the environment. Determined according to the Variable Monthly Flow method developed in Pastor et al., 2014 |
Erosion risk - grid |
Risk of soil erosion caused by water. |
Expected nr of affected people - grid |
Population expected to be exposed to floods per year. |
Expected value of affected GDP - grid |
GDP expected to be exposed to floods per year. |
Extensive grassland area - grid |
Extensive pasture with low productivity used for grazing. |
Feed crop requirement |
Total amount of feed required for the production of animal products. Grass and fodder species are consumed by grazing animals only (dairy and non-dairy cattle, sheep and goats), while pigs and poultry are fed feed crops and other feedstuffs. |
Flood protection - grid |
Reduction in flood risk by natural vegetation. |
Food availability per capita |
Food availability per capita. |
Food availability, including fish and wild food |
Food availability, including fish and wild food. |
Forest management type - grid |
Forest management type: clear cut, selective logging, forest plantation or additional deforestation. |
Forest residues |
Harvest losses (from damaged trees and unusable tree parts) or harvest residues that are left in the forest by purpose because of environmental concerns. These losses/residues remains in the forest after harvest, in in principle enter the soil pools. But they could also be used for other/energy purposes. |
Global emission pathways |
Global emission pathway consistent with a specific long-term climate target. |
Global mean temperature |
Average global temperature. |
Grass requirement |
Grass requirement; ruminants (nondairy cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and goats) are grazing animals, and part (in mixed systems) or most (pastoral systems) of their feed is grass, hay or other roughage; this grass requirement is calculated as a fraction of the total energy (feed) requirement. |
HDI (human development index) |
HDI: Development level of a country based on income, education and life expectancy. |
Harvested wood |
Wood harvested and removed. |
Intensive grassland area |
Intensively used grassland areas for grazing or mowing, at locations also suitable for crop production. |
Irrigation water consumption - grid |
Water consumed through irrigation; equal to irrigation water withdrawal minus water lost during transport, depending on the conveyance efficiency. |
Irrigation water supply - grid |
Water supplied to irrigated fields; equal to irrigation water withdrawal minus water lost during transport, depending on the conveyance efficiency. |
Irrigation water withdrawal - grid |
Water withdrawn for irrigation, not necessarily equal to the withdrawal demand, because of limited water availability in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other sources. |
Land cover, land use - grid |
Multi-dimensional map describing all aspects of land cover and land use per grid cell, such as type of natural vegetation, crop and grass fraction, crop management, fertiliser and manure input, livestock density. |
Land suitability - grid |
Suitability of land in a grid cell for agriculture and forestry, as a function of accessibility, population density, slope and potential crop yields. |
Land supply |
Available land for agriculture, per grid or region, depending on suitability for crops, and excluding unsuitable areas such as steep slopes, wetlands and protected areas. |
Land supply for bioenergy - grid |
Land available for sustainable bioenergy production (abandoned agricultural land and non-forested land). |
Land systems - grid |
Thirty land systems as defined in CLUMondo, characterized by specific levels of built-up area, cropland area, livestock density and management intensity. |
Land use and land-use intensity - grid |
High resolution land use and land use intensity based on GLC2000 and IMAGE land cover and land use. |
Land-use CO2 emissions - grid |
Land-use CO2 emissions from deforestation, wood harvest, agricultural harvest, bioenergy plantations and timber decay. |
Life expectancy |
Average life expectancy of a person born in a given year.. |
Livestock production |
Production of livestock products (dairy, beef, sheep and goats, pigs, poultry). |
MSA (mean species abundance) - grid |
Mean Species Abundance (MSA) relative to the natural state of original species. |
Management intensity crops |
Management intensity crops, expressing actual yield level compared to potential yield. While potential yield is calculated for each grid cell, this parameter is expressed at the regional level. This parameter is based on data and exogenous assumptions - current practice and technological change in agriculture - and is endogenously adapted in the agro-economic model. |
Management intensity livestock |
Management intensity of livestock, expressed at the regional level. This parameter is based on data and exogenous assumptions, i.e. current practice and technological change in livestock sectors, and is endogenously adapted within the Agricultural economy component. |
Marginal abatement cost |
Cost of an additional unit of pollution abated (CO2eq). A marginal abatement cost curve (MAC curve) is a set of options available to an economy to reduce pollution, ranked from the lowest to highest additional costs. |
Mitigation costs |
Net costs of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. |
N and P discharge to surface water - grid |
N and P discharge to surface water. |
N and P in wastewater discharge - grid |
Discharge of N and P to surface water from wastewater. |
NEP (net ecosystem production) - grid |
Net natural exchange of CO2 between biosphere and atmosphere (NPP minus soil respiration), excluding human induced fluxes such as decay of wood products. |
NH3 emissions - grid |
Ammonia emissions from applied nitrogen fertiliser and manure. |
NPP (net primary production) - grid |
CO2 sequestered by plants and incorporated in new tissue in plant carbon pools. |
Nitrogen deposition - grid |
Deposition of nitrogen. |
Non-CO2 GHG concentrations |
Atmospheric concentration of non-CO2 greenhouse gases. |
Non-CO2 GHG emissions (CH4, N2O and Halocarbons) |
Non-CO2 GHG emissions (CH4, N2O, Halocarbons). |
Number of people at risk of severe water stress - grid |
Basins with ratios above 0.4 are considered to be severely water stressed. Using the projected population in each grid cell, the number of people at severe risk of water stress is determined |
Ocean carbon uptake |
Ocean carbon uptake. |
People dependent on solid fuel |
Proportion of population using traditional biomass and coal for cooking and heating. |
People living on less then USD 1.25 per day |
People living on less than $1.25 a day. |
Pollination - grid |
Additional yield due to natural pollination. |
Potential bioenergy yield - grid |
Potential yields of bioenergy crops. |
Potential crop and grass yield - grid |
Potential crop and grass yield, changing over time due to climate change and possibly soil degradation. In some components, i.e. 'Agricultural economy' regional aggregations of the dataset which depend on the actual land-use area, are used. |
Potential natural vegetation - grid |
Potential natural vegetation type/biome, based on distribution of plant functional types. |
Precipitation - grid |
Monthly total precipitation. |
Presence of natural pest control - grid |
Presence of natural pest control. |
Prevalence of undernourishment |
Proportion of the population with insufficient food intake to meet dietary energy requirements. |
Primary energy price |
The price of primary energy carriers based on production costs. |
Radiative forcing |
Radiative forcing of greenhouse gases, ozone, and aerosols. |
Rainwater consumption - grid |
Rain water consumption by crops. |
Reduced erosion risk - grid |
Reduction in erosion risk by natural vegetation. |
Regrowth forest area - grid |
Areas of re-growing forests after agricultural abandonment or timber harvest. |
Residual damage |
Climate change damage remaining after adaptation. |
River discharge - grid |
Average flow of water through each grid cell. |
SO2 emissions |
SO2 emissions, per source (e.g. fossil fuel burning, deforestation). |
SRI (species richness index) - grid |
Species richness calculated from MSA and species area curves. |
Secondary energy price |
The secondary energy price of each energy carrier at the end-use level (coal, oil, gas, bio-energy, electricity, hydrogen) is calculated based on (1) the primary energy price, (2) energy taxes and subsidies, (3) the costs of energy conversion throughout the energy supply chain and (4) a correction factor. |
Soil N budget - grid |
N budget in the soil, used to calculate fate of nitrogen in the soil-hydrology system and for determining emissions to the atmosphere. |
Soil P budget - grid |
P budget in the soil, used to calculate fate of nitrogen in the soil-hydrology system (residual soil P or surface runoff). |
Soil respiration - grid |
CO2 release from soils into the atmosphere due to the decay of soil carbon pools and respiration of soil organisms. |
Statistics of inundation extent - grid |
Annual statistics of flooded fraction per grid cell. |
Statistics on inundation depth - grid |
Annual statistics of water depth in flooded areas of a grid cell. |
Statistics on river discharge - grid |
Annual statistics on river discharge. |
Suitability for nature-based tourism - grid |
Attractiveness for nature-based tourism. |
Temperature - grid |
Monthly average temperature. |
Timber use fraction |
Fractions of harvested timber entering the fast-decaying timber pool, the slow-decaying timber pool, or burnt as traditional biofuels. |
Total primary energy supply |
Total primary energy supply. |
Trade (all commodities) |
Bilateral trade between regions per sector, including various crop and livestock sectors. |
Transgression of environmental flows - grid |
Deficit on environmental flow requirements, based on monthly discharge values |
Water availability - grid |
Water availability in rivers, lakes and reservoirs. |
Water consumption other sectors - grid |
Total annual and monthly water consumption for households, industry and electricity. Consumption is defined as the total withdrawals minus the return flows |
Water stress - basin |
Water stress is a basin scale indicator of the mean annual water demand to availability ratio. This ratio gives an indication for the level of water stress experienced in the basin. |
Water stress - grid |
Water stress is a basin scale indicator of the mean annual water demand to availability ratio. This ratio gives an indication for the level of water stress experienced in the basin. Basins with a water demand to availability ratio above 0.2 are considered medium water stressed, basins with ratios above 0.4 are severely water stressed. |
Water withdrawal other sectors - grid |
Total annual and monthly water withdrawal for households, industry and electricity. Not necessarily equal to the withdrawal demand, due to limited water availability. |
Wilderness area - grid |
Non-agricultural areas close to their natural state, with MSA values above 0.8. |